Monday, February 24, 2020

Page and Text size


     The first thing that I needed to do was to determine a suitable size and font for the text on my pages. I soon knew that I wanted a font that was semi-script so that when I was embroidering the text, I'd have some flow from letter to letter.  I always backweave my loose ends and avoid knots when at all possible, so I didn't want to be having to do that every letter. 
     I also marked a half inch between the facing pages, as described in the original post I found.  I created a template on a piece of posterboard and cut out the spaces where the sewing would be.  I could then lay that on the pieces of muslin I had cut and draw pencil lines to show my margins.  I did learn that I should NOT have drawn the pencil lines.  I should have only lightly marked the eight corner points.  Then, if text was too close to the margin, I could make the page slightly bigger as needed, without my future blanket stitches running into my text. 
     I did make the muslin pieces big enough so that I could eventually use my stretching frame when sewing certain parts.  When doing the text I did use a small hoop. 

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