Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Working Wednesday - Drapes and Insurance

     Today has been more of a work day than usual in such that there is a work day in retirement.  Started out by answering emails related to my small business of conference planning, which dealt mostly with informing prospective guest speakers that we don't have the money this year and filling out insurance forms, for the second time, for the underwriter even though what the insurance agent had me fill out was almost a duplicate.
     And then we finally got started on the new drapes.  We've had the fabric, seen above, for about two years after taking advantage of a 60% off on the fabric with a 50% off coupon even on sales items.  Was quite the deal.  Then we had to special order the traverse rod since here in Alaska, we're apparently the only people that ever want that kind of rod form Home Depot.  We've had that for about a year.  So, it's time to start and today we got the rod up.  I wanted to be able to do some actual measurements before cutting any of the fabric.  Will do some serious math tomorrow and then probably get started on the sewing.  Wish me luck.

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