Tuesday, June 12, 2007



In my database I could have several reports for each contest. A subreport could show more detail such as the actual score of each contestant and the time they took to take the test. This is information that is not on the reports that are distributed to the individual advisors. It is information that only I, as the competition organizer, may need access to so that I can answer questions advisors may have as to why their students did not place in an event, why one student placed above another, etc.

Another report is the overall listing of the contest and placings. A subreport could be the top five placings by contest for each school. This would be useful for each advisor for determining who is eligible for competition at the national level. Bump-ups occur when someone can’t attend so having such a listing is useful.

I also have placement listings (reports), for each of the open contests. This usually shows just the names in order from first on down. A sub-report could show the details, points correct and the times if a tie-breaker is needed.

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