Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday Drive

     Sunshine has been a rare commodity lately and since it was very bright today and the fall colors are in full swing, we decided to take a drive.  Yes, the last two weeks in September are fall way up here.  We enjoy it for about two weeks if we are lucky, then a strong wind seems to arrive and before you know it the trees are bare and we are simply waiting for the snow to arrive. 
     The nice thing about Alaska is that there are many glaciers that you can easily see from the road if not walk right up to.  Many are around the urban areas as well so an afternoon drive can quickly take you to the wilds with beautiful scenery and if you're lucky, much wildlife.      
     Off we went north of Palmer, through Sutton and Chickaloon, to around the Matanuska Glacier area. We drove about 160 miles today.  The sun lasted until the last few miles home when it rained a bit, and we pulled off at many scenic pullouts to take pictures and just enjoy the sights and the drive.  This picture is just before the Long Rifle Lodge where we had lunch, and where there is also a spot to park if you want to walk out to and on the glacier.  We didn't do that although Bert has in the past.  This glacier has a great deal of silt on it and it is very messy and dirty to walk around an on.